
Summit Detox Accepts ComPysch Mental Health Rehab Insurance

If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts ComPsych mental health insurance, contact us today at 888-995-5265 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

ComPsych is a world-renowned employee assistance program provider that works with an extensive range of mental health assistance resources. The choices make it a great option if you’re employed by a business or organization that uses ComPsych. You won’t need to worry about finding mental health insurance coverage because ComPsych already includes a wide range of mental health treatment programs.

If you or a covered beneficiary needs mental health treatment, verify your ComPsych mental health rehab coverage options on our website now. You can also verify your insurance by calling 888-995-5265. Whether you need help for yourself or a loved one, you don’t need to wait to find out if you’re covered.

woman speaking to Summit Detox about her ComPsych mental health rehab insurance coverage for treatment

ComPsych Mental Health Rehab Options

ComPsych is an ACA (Affordable Care Act) provider, which means it must cover essential mental health treatments. These include behavioral health care, counseling, and therapy, as well as inpatient mental health rehab options. 

ComPsych mental health rehab treatment on an inpatient basis is one of the options. Emergency assistance with acute physiological symptoms is the first step in such programs. Mental health treatment is the second step and typically includes psychotherapy and counseling to help the patient build healthy coping strategies and get to the root of their challenges.

Inpatient mental health rehab isn’t suitable for everyone. Some people may opt for ComPsych outpatient mental health rehab programs or intensive outpatient treatment options instead. Participating in mental health treatment on an outpatient basis is often preferable for people who don’t want to interrupt employment and/or have caring responsibilities. In addition, outpatient mental health treatment programs are usually more affordable. Outpatient programs involve regular therapy sessions with a variety of approaches available.

An intensive outpatient program combines elements of the inpatient and outpatient approaches. An intensive outpatient program may involve partial hospitalization, for example between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. This hybrid approach allows the person in treatment to spend the nights at home. This option is especially suited for people who need a more intensive mental health rehab program but still want to spend time with their loved ones at the end of the day.

The medical professionals at the facility evaluate the level of treatment an individual needs. Because everyone is different in the type of assistance they need, ComPsych mental health rehab options are flexible.

Choosing between inpatient, outpatient, or intensive outpatient options is a decision made by the patient, their family, and the medical professionals administering the treatment. While medical staff make informed recommendations based on the specific situation and condition of the individual, the patient always has choices regarding their long-term treatment plan.

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Specialized Therapies and Holistic Approaches

There are a variety of therapy and mental health treatment approaches available, and it’s important to find one tailored to your needs and situation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-established, popular form of therapy offered as part of ComPsych mental health rehab programs. CBT is widely practiced because it works for millions of people who struggle with a wide range of mental health issues. 

The main focus of CBT is the cognitive or thought processes that don’t serve us well or reinforce negative thinking or habits. CBT helps patients reframe negative thinking patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms. CBT has been helpful for patients experiencing:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • OCD
  • Phobias

CBT works in two ways. First, it helps individuals understand the unproductive, unhealthy thought patterns that contribute to their mental health challenges. Second, it offers practical techniques to modify these thinking patterns over time, which supports better, more constructive ways of thinking. 

Through regular practice of common CBT techniques, patients can retrain their minds to look at things differently and adopt more adaptive, resilient thought processes. These techniques include cognitive restructuring via positive self-talk, exposure therapy for phobias, and journaling to help process difficult emotions.

The role of the therapist in CBT sessions is to help the patient slowly acquire the skills that will help them become more emotionally resilient. The goal is for the patient to eventually be better able to cope with their mental health condition on their own.

The number and frequency of CBT sessions will vary depending on individual needs.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Another important therapy approach used in mental health rehab is Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). ART is a more physical approach to therapy than most traditional methods that rely on talking. It uses eye movements to help patients achieve fast relief from acute emotional distress symptoms. It works by replacing negative images with positive ones, which can help relieve the impact of painful memories. ART is closely related to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. While ART focuses on image replacement, EMDR strives to reduce distress and reprocess traumatic events.

ART and EMDR can be especially suited for people suffering from trauma and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Talking about emotional or physical trauma can be extremely challenging for many people and can exacerbate existing distress. ART is a valuable alternative when talking therapy or CBT is not the best choice. 

A Holistic Approach

Finally, a holistic approach to mental health rehab is suitable for many patients. This comprehensive approach considers the whole person, not just their physical or mental health separately. It may combine therapy and counseling with medication, adjusting each component as treatment progresses and symptoms improve. 

The aim of a holistic approach is to help the person find a path to recovery without medication. When medication is appropriate, the goal is to reduce it gradually as they progress. Every situation is unique with numerous variables, but many patients are eventually able to reduce the amount of medication they take when medication is successfully used with therapy. 

Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Mental health rehab treatment times vary considerably from person to person. If you’re not sure which therapy options are covered by your ComPsych plan, you can check your coverage on our insurance verification page.

Medication Assistance and Medicated Treatment Options

ComPsych mental health rehab programs include coverage of many medications associated with the treatment of mental illness and mental health problems. There is a wide range of relevant medications available, from antidepressants to medications developed specifically to treat anxiety disorders. Finding the right medication can take time and patience, but combining medication with therapy tends to yield good results.

man speaking to a therapist during mental health treatment covered by ComPsych mental health rehab coverage

Financial Considerations: Does ComPsych Fully Cover Mental Health Treatments?

ComPsych is one of the best mental health providers, but it’s important to know what type of plan you have. Some plans cover mental health treatments in full, while others provide only partial coverage. Keep in mind that ComPsych typically covers mental health rehab options when there is a medical necessity, which typically includes long-term psychological issues and mental illness but may not include help for life events, grief-related therapy, or undiagnosed mental health conditions.

If you’re not sure the ComPsych mental health rehab program covers your particular situation, call us at 888-995-5265 to check your coverage. Our friendly team is always ready to assist and encourage you on your journey to better mental health.

Summit Detox: Your First Choice for ComPsych Mental Health Rehab

Summit Detox is a globally recognized rehabilitation facility that works in partnership with ComPsych, helping patients with a wide range of mental health issues that are concurrent with mental illness.

The Summit difference includes not only treating your physical symptoms but also the mental or emotional aspects of your difficulties. We consider your lifestyle, environment, and any co-occurring (dual diagnosis) health disorders that may play a part and prevent you from living your best life. The mental health rehabilitation program helps prepare you for a lasting road to recovery in the following ways:

  • Inpatient and outpatient mental health rehab programs, always tailored to the individual’s needs, responsibilities, and preferences
  • Medicated assistance used in combination with therapy as part of a holistic approach to recovery
  • A wide range of counseling and therapeutic approaches based on the individual’s diagnosis

If you’re wondering what type of ComPsych mental health rehab coverage you have, contact Summit Detox at 888-995-5265. Our knowledgeable team will talk you through your options. Our priority is your health and well-being, and we will ensure that the treatment plan you choose achieves the maximum health outcomes for you and your loved ones without compromising your financial health.

Our Boynton Beach, FL, treatment center is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to helping people overcome a wide range of emotional and mental health problems. Don’t hesitate to contact us, even if your problem seems different from the traditional issues addressed by rehab centers. You can also visit our insurance verification page to check your ComPsych mental health rehab coverage. We care about all people facing mental health challenges and will do our best to assist.

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